Darla's Dazzling Diamond Unit

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005

hotline message 8/24/2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Kathleen is talking about goal setting. The difference is writing it down.


  • At 8/24/2005 8:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What's after "do me a favor then"???
    I really enjoyed this message. I think I "got it". I am a slow learner, but I finally got the jest of Mary Kay!!!!

    Thanks again,

    Jeanie Seagrave

  • At 8/26/2005 11:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Writing it down, that is like placing it in stone. That is so hard for me, but I have learned to do it on a daily and weekly basis. That seems to work better for me. 6 most important things list is the biggest help to me. The saying "you can eat an elephant on bite at the time" is what has worked for me. I really set daily goals. "Today I am going to accomplish one booking for a facial" or "today I am going to sell so much product" or "today I am going to call 5 customers". The daily seems to work for me more than any other goal setting. Thanks for helping me realize this little bit about myself.....ju


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