About Me
- Name: DL
- Location: Sherman, Texas, United States
Hey! Thanks for stopping by. People say when they get to know me that I'm an open book. But as much as I like to meet new people and talk, I am on the inside, very shy. God made me that way. He gave me the desire to meet people and then didn't tell me what to say when I do! So I do a lot of praying.
At 11/21/2005 10:54 AM, Anonymous said…
Hey! this is a great day the Lord has made. Thank you so much for the positive words this morning. Yes you have to run, run, run from the negative and do not focus on it. It does make a huuugggee difference in your life and business. This cannot be said, enforced, or repeated to many times especially with the new consultants, because they truly do not have the concept in their brains and it takes time for them realize that. You are reading from one who has learned the hard way to run, run, run from the negative. Thanks again for your words this morning. Keep up the good work, we need your words and example. You and Darla have been a great, great influence in my life, thank you, thank you.......
At 11/21/2005 4:12 PM, Kathleen Koclanes said…
Hi Dear Lady
I am so proud of you! Thank-you for alwasys listening and giving us you beautiful comments! We need consultants like you to keep us going with your feed back and wonderful comments!
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