Darla's Dazzling Diamond Unit

This site is designed to inform and motivate our unit members. If you feel blessed by what you hear or read, please leave a comment! Thank you for your time.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Hey Fabulous YOU!

So how has it been going with the goal setting? Are you on track with the goals that you have set? Well,... what's it going to be this year? 3 classes a week? Or how about moving into RED Jacket? or OH!! One of the QUEEN'S COURTS??? or DRIVING FREE BY CHRISTMAS!!!! The possibilities are endless, especially starting out this early in the new Seminar year!

I just love this business. I think I would do it for free. We are not stuck behind counters or desks, or doing the same old things with the same old people. We get to work with some of the most fantastic people who are always building people up and striving to do better each day. What a great opportunity we have every day to wake up and know that we get to make our day any thing we want and we have the chance to make some else's day too. We can go anywhere with anyone anytime that we want to without having to battle office politics, harassment, or gossip..... (Can you tell that I'm going to be working out of town for the next few days with some fun and beautiful unit members??) Just keep checking in for updates and daily hotlines. I love getting your comments!

I think I've found a way to leave comments easier too. Just email me from the blog site and I'll enter your email info and I think you should be able to leave comments without having to have a blog site of your own. I'm learning new things almost daily about this wonderful service! I hope you are enjoying having it available too!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Hotline 7/6/2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Hotline 7/5/2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Focus on Goals

Independent Sales Director Carol Scholes of Tacoma, Wash., shares these basic tips on goals:

Why Set Goals?

1. When goals are set, things happen.

2. Goals make you feel good about yourself.

3. Goals provide attitude adjustments.

4. Goals establish self-discipline and motivation.

5. Goals give you direction and purpose.

6. Goals take you where you want to go.

7. Goals create good habits and patterns to follow.

8. A goal will eliminate others from controlling your life. Set a goal to discipline yourself. If you don't, others will.

Goals Can Be Negative If:

1. They are too big.

2. They are out of your sphere of interest.

3. You believe luck is necessary to arrive at your destination.

4. You set your goal by comparing yourself with others' accomplishments.

5. You are doing it for someone else.

Reasons Most People Do Not Set Goals:

1. They are not sold on the benefits.

2. They feel it's safer not to.

3. They fear commitment, failure or success.

4. They have a poor attitude or focus.

5. They don't want to work.

Setting A Goal

1. Decide exactly what you want - be very specific.

2. Aim high - you should have "butterflies." Stretch your limits.

3. Create visuals. The subconscious mind accepts all information as fact and cannot distinguish between what is real and what is imagined and believed.

4. Involve family members. Find out what's in it for them.

5. Pick someone to emulate.

6. Define where you are. Goals must be "BIG" according to your ability.

7. Determine what you are capable of in a day, a week, a month and a year.

8. Write your goals in detail and talk about them with appropriate people.

9. Focus on your goal daily. If a goal is not focused on for three days, it's as if it never existed.

10. See goals as if they had already happened.

11. Keep your FOCUS. (Follow One Course Until Successful.)

12. Quitting is not an option.

13. Set another goal immediately upon reaching a goal.

Six Parts of a Goal

1. WOW
Excitement of a goal.

2. HOW
Plan to achieve a goal.

3. NOW
Just do it.

Do it anyway.

5. VOW
Commitment to reach goal.

6. POW
The Victory!

Monday, July 04, 2005

hotline 7/2-7/4/2005

this is an audio post - click to play

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Happy July!

Hey Gang!
Well, the new year is finally here and I am SO EXCITED about all of the momentum that we have going! I am celebrating YOU and your accompishments for this past year! We will be celebrating in MK style in Dallas at our
unit awards brunch and area awards banquet that night with Mary Diem. I'll have information for you this next week. Just mark your calendar for July 31st. I know the date just not sure on all of the details. NOW it's time for new goals to be set and posters to be made! AND, if you haven't gotten your affirmation tape/CD made yet, this is a great time to be doing it!

I was visiting with Amy Hicks, a sister consultant in our unit, the other day and she told me something interesting. She is a licensed Social Worker and what she shared with me I just had to share with you. Amy had read that children laugh 400 times a day and adults laugh only 20!!!! Well, those statisticians have just never met me! :) But it made me think of how blessed we are to be in a company that it's our job to make someone's day. So, try to be that bright spot in someone's life everyday this next Seminar year. Try to get a smile from everyone you meet. Maybe this can be your mission in your Mary Kay career to do just that! Go ahead MAKE MY DAY! :) Now, who's going to make yours?? Well, I will do my best and I've added a Daily Cartoon to the bottom of this blogspot. (I hope they're funny!!)

This is the best time EVER!! Make it your best!


Daily Cartoon provided by Bravenet Daily Cartoon provided by Bravenet.com